Unique Gifts for Holi


Holi festival is one of the festivals in India that is celebrated with grandeur. It is a mark of joy and togetherness. As the legend says, it is on this festival that the sister of an evil king Hiranyakasipa, died in the fire. To mark this, Holika Dahan, a bonfire is lit on the previous day of Holi and friends and family members get together at the bonfire, sing and play around it.....

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Posted by: HyderabadOnlineFlorists.com

Posted on: 4/1/2019 6:30:45 AM

Why Do We Need A Women's Day to Salute Her


A Woman is the purest portray of wisdom and beauty all together. She is the sign of victory over evil. She is the epitome of life on earth. Sometimes she is like a brightest sunshine in a darkest room and also the stormiest wind. She is as powerful as a sword. What defines a woman can never be jotted down in words. ....

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Posted by: HyderabadOnlineFlorists.com

Posted on: 3/30/2019 5:44:44 AM

Tailor Different Emotions with Various Hues of Florals